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An Interview With... Katie Lewington

1) The world ends in 24 hours. How are you spending it?

Probably eating all of the foods in the fridge, so they don’t go off. Although, knowing me, I will more likely oversleep.

2) What was the first book you remember reading?

I’m not sure I remember a certain book. I remember getting a copy of Matilda and being enthralled by that. Earlier than that would have been a Harry Potter book.

3) What is your favourite book / one book everybody should read?

Alice in Wonderland.

4) Bruce Springsteen once told me about his hometown. Tell me a little about yours.

My hometown is small. You know, on kids TV shows you can tell they have three or four sets and everything usually revolves around the kids house, school, friends house and the playground. That’s my hometown, claustrophobic.

5) What are you most afraid of?

Mouldy bread or oranges. I didn’t even know sausages go mouldy until recently. It makes my skin crawl.

6) What makes you feel nostalgic?

There are certain kids TV shows that take me back or a film called Carry on Screaming. There were many Saturday mornings I spent watching videos, trying to figure out how to rewind them, watching the same films. The Carry on films. I think they were what gave me my inappropriate sense of humour. The Doctor Who theme tune immediately takes me back as well.

7) Do you have a set writing process?

Nope. I try and sit down but it is typically when I’m trying to sleep or making breakfast and I have to let the eggs burn while I scribble something down. Editing is a chore I put off.

8) What advice would you give to young writers / people who are hopeless at doing it?

Keep writing because you will get better. You will learn so much as well.

9) If you could commit one crime and get away with it, what would it be?

If I could strangle the neighbour who put a nasty note through my letterbox, that wouldn’t be so bad. Now I’ve just put myself in the frame for murder.

10) Go on, have a superpower. What would you like?

The power to heal people.

11) You can smack any living person in the face and they won’t sue, I promise. Who are you hitting?

Dani Mathers.

12) It’s hard being a writer, isn’t it? Why do you do it?

It can be difficult. I have to because I get grouchy if I don’t. I use writing for communication. I don’t have the greatest faith in my opinions and with writing I can interact and talk with people.

13) You can sleep with any famous figure, alive or dead. Who are you taking?

I wouldn’t kick Kim Kardashian or Nicki Minaj out of my bed. Or I should say the bed I share with my partner. I hope he won’t mind. I imagine Harry H Corbett and Elvis could give me a good cuddle as well.

14) What are some of your other passions, other than literature?

Well, as my partner calls it, making a mess. I like cutting magazines up and creating new pictures or found poetry. I like colouring in as well. I’m only truly happy when I’m creating. It completely absorbs me. I like travelling. Airports fascinate me. I enjoy learning and new experiences.

15) Tell me about any work you have published / will be publishing / can only dream of publishing

I had a chapbook Put me Down, I’m Terrible published by Ugly Sapling Press in September. I’ve self-published other chapbooks on and hope to have another one published by November. As for can only dream, oh boy, you asked! I have a YA novel, nine years old now. I hover between burning, publishing or editing it. I love it but as the years go by I’m not sure anybody else will. It contains, at least, three writing styles that my writing has adapted into over the years. It is likely to haunt me until I die.

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